Hot peperonata on lentil vegetables Here comes a vegan dish that fits wonderfully into the transitional period from winter to spring: hearty-spicy and very light with lots of ......
Chicken Medallions Ticino Style Delicate chicken breast fillets, ready to cook, marinated, topped with a mozzarella cheese spread and pork salmon ham, ready-roasted. Frozen, individually removable, 4-5 pieces. Aldi, in the TK-chest, to ......
Alexander Herrmann, the perfect steak from bison, a surprisingly delicious Canad... "Man, nice, that you are there!" Exclaims the tall man with the short hairstyle and comes storming up at me with raised arms. I can just ......
Bratwurst in spaghetti squash ring with onion and bacon dip Come on up close - today it's getting hot and greasy: There's a coarse herb bratwurst that turns it into a ring of ......
Perkomax aka Gisela - really good coffee in the good old way. Dear Perkomax, We are very pleased that you have recently joined our family morning. But first of all we have to tell you that your name ......